Times have changed, the world of work has changed, and while once upon a time it was normal to start working at a company for your first job and up staying there until retirement, that is no longer the case.
Job security isn’t what it once was, ‘working your way up the ladder’ isn’t always an option, and people also move around a lot more than they used to. Luckily for us, though it is far more acceptable to move jobs, and even change career it is expected that people will switch job paths for various reasons, from dissatisfaction to better pay, but even with that it can be a very scary thing and often a move which people are too scared or hesitant to make. But, if you’re not happy where you are, or there is something you always wanted to do, it doesn’t matter how old you are or what stage of your career you’re at, there are plenty of reasons why it is okay to change your
career direction and start something completely new.
Life Is Short, But You Have A Lot Left
Life is too short to waste on not being happy, but at the same time, whether you’re in your 20’s, 30’s, 40’s or over, there is still a lot of time left to earn a living so it makes sense to spend that time in ways that are fulfilling to you and that meet your needs. Whatever your reasons are, from making more money to support your family or wanting to pursue a career that you’ve always dreamed of, taking the leap into a career change may not be as big a risk as you think.
Being Healthy and Happy Is What Matters
Getting up every day and not wanting to go to work is not healthy for anyone and stress and money worries can have a tremendous impact on your health, leading to conditions such as ulcers, high blood pressure,
anxiety or depression. You spend at least eight hours a day, seven days a week at a full-time job which is a huge part of your life, so you need to make sure you are doing something that makes you happy.
You Need to Use Your Talents
Working in a job that doesn’t allow you to utilize your skills in a meaningful way is frustrating because your career is a big part of your identity. Being unhappy in your
work life can have a big impact on your overall sense of self-worth and confidence while pursuing a vocation that allows you to use your talents and make decisions can improve your life.
You Don’t Have to Spend a lot of Money or Time
Starting over doesn’t have to mean making a complete overhaul and going back to university, there are a number of careers in fields such as health, law, Information Technology and Business that can be attained through a
short, flexible program. Also, the work experience you already have will be valuable to another company, even if it is not in the same industry, don’t underestimate the experience you have and what you have achieved.