If you only see your boss’s wife on social occasions, there is less need to organize a game plan to deal with the lady, besides the standard P’s and Q’s.
Here’s a situation, as a new hire in an Indian IT MNC, I had no idea what to expect when I went to the first of my new office bashes. Like all corporate affairs, this one too began with long speeches about how they had done this last quarter of who-knows-what and what it meant to the organization, blah, blah, blah...
Once the big wigs had done nodding and shaking hands and speaking on stage, the actual party begins. The bar opened and everyone mades a beeline. A hired DJ kicks in with music in the background.Women hit the dance floor.
“Come Dance With Me!”
Dusky, long-haired, leggy and dark-eyed - and a senior manager's wife grabs me and asks me to dance. When I smiled and said I couldn’t dance, she spotted another dude. Drinks later, I lean over to another newbie who mentioned the manager’s swinging wife. He laughingly told me she’d asked him to dance with him earlier.
She was hot and swung close to the dude she was dancing with. The dude, of course being aware of the multiple eyes on his ‘performance’ had but one choice - to dance on. Later, we discovered that husband and wife were both ‘vertical’ heads and were equally empowered to screw up anyone’s life.
We also learnt that she danced with every newcomer in each party, and also that she knew nothing about the subject of her work. However, her husband had photos of their anniversary on his notice board and usually she ended up dancing with one of their older colleagues, who had experience in handling this sort of a thing. We unanimously agreed that we had only just avoided the first Venus Flytrap at office.
While I might not be a ‘player,’ I have enough street smarts to know this. When dancing with your boss’s wife, let the boss lead. Not his wife, who just happens to be coming onto you at the moment. It’s the same adage as when dancing with a client, it’s better to let the client lead. The best way is to NOT handle the boss’s wife.
‘Harassment is not about sex, it’s about power.’ True, indeed!
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