By Julius Choudhury
It’s too easy to ignore the signs that you’re not on the right path until something big happens - perhaps you experience burnout because of the way you’re living your life each day, or perhaps you become so complacent that you end up making a big mistake and get in a lot of trouble. Here, you’ll find clear signs you’re in the wrong career - many of them you’re probably ignoring. Read on to find out what they are:
You Absolutely Dread Mondays
Dreading Mondays is something you could almost convince yourself is ‘normal’ - but it’s not. Dreading Monday is an extremely low-quality way to live. You can look forward to and enjoy the weekends without dreading the start of the week! If you have ‘that’ feeling in the pit of your stomach every Sunday night, don’t ignore it any longer.
You Can't-Wait For The Weekend
If you’re wishing, hoping, and praying that the weekend hurries around each week, then this could be a sign you’re not in the right career. Enjoy your weekends and make the most of them, but if they are all you have to look forward to, then you need to rethink what you’re doing each day.

You Can Think Of More Negatives Than Positives
Make a list of all of the pros and cons of your job. Are there more negatives than positives? If so, then you may need to look for a career that helps you to find a better balance. This list will be different for everybody - perhaps your boss is great but you loathe the work you have to do. Be completely honest when you make your list!
You Know There’s Something Else You’d Rather Be Doing
Is there something you’ve always considered doing, but never actually got around to? Perhaps you always imagined yourself in a tax consultant career or doing something more creative. If you just can’t shake the feeling that you need to be doing something else, it’s time to make the change.
You Don’t Feel Like Your Skills Are Being Put To Good Use
Your job should involve doing things you are good at. Are some of your skills going unused? Perhaps you could meet with your boss and discuss how you could put them to better use. If this suggestion is ignored, then moving on is usually the best option. Using your skills will always lead to better job satisfaction!
You’re Stressed
A certain level of stress in a career can be normal, but if you’re taking stress home, struggling to sleep, and feeling unable to relax, then you need to lighten your workload or make it more suitable to your skills.
You Don’t Have A Good Work/Life Balance
Different careers will allow a different work/life balance. If you’re required to work from home when you’re not there and you have to take calls at all hours, you will struggle to find a good balance. This can work for some people, but if you want to live your life without having to worry about work 24/7, you’ll need to pick a career with a more suitable long-term outlook.