It doesn’t matter whether you want to progress in your career right now or whether you want to go down a completely different route because it can often be difficult for you to dictate your progression and then turn it into a reality. Achieving your goals will certainly not be an overnight job but if you plan everything out effectively and if you create clear objectives then this will certainly work in your favor.

Take the Blame
The ability to take responsibility for your actions is crucial. It doesn’t matter whether it is for success or failure. If you take credit for any positive outcomes, then this will make your accomplishments more well-known. If you take credit for your mistakes, then this will demonstrate that you were aware of how to fix them and this will really be a testament to both your professionalism and your maturity overall. This also means that you will be more recognized, and it shows that you are willing to take responsibility for your role.
Up your Game
You may think that as long as you carry on doing your job, you will be able to naturally progress in your career. That being said, you should never assume that this is going to be the case. Competition for some of the higher positions is often very strong and if you do not make more of an effort to stand out then you will be overlooked. If you want to avoid this then you have to take every chance you get to show your passion and your enthusiasm too. You also need to be willing to take on extra work if you can as this will show how flexible you can be. Whatever field you work in, if you are able to up your game and put a bit of extra work in, then this will show how committed you are to the company. It may also be worth trying to train as well. If possible try and get the forklift certification you have always been after, or find ways to make yourself better at your position overall.
Play Fair
Engaging in any kind of workplace politics sure can be tempting and this is especially the case if you are able to get ahead as a result. That being said, you need to do everything you can to avoid it. If you blame other people for your mistakes and if you don’t accept responsibility, then this won’t work out for you in the long term. If you get a promotion by blaming others, then rather than getting the promotion that you have always been after, you may come across as being someone who doesn’t care about anyone but themselves. This will work against you in the long term so try and do everything you can to stop this from being the case.
Speak Up
It doesn’t matter how motivated you are to move forward because if you don’t make it obvious then you may never end up achieving your career goals. Take the time to talk to your boss about your career progression and also talk to them about any ways you could help the company.