So you’re about to retire after a lifetime of hard work, and are ready to get the relaxation you’ve wanted for so long. But suddenly the prospect of endless days of golf and puttering around the garden feels a lot less attractive than you thought it would. Or maybe your financial planning didn’t accurately account for all the expenses you’re struggling with now that a regular paycheck is no longer hitting your bank account. In either case, you may consider getting a little part-time work to help with those expenses and make you feel a part of the world again. But what kind of jobs for retirees are out there?
Before you begin considering specific opportunities, pause for a moment to take stock. Just how hard do you want to work? How much money do you need to give you the cushion of comfort you’re seeking? What skills do you possess that you might be able to leverage out there in the marketplace? The answers to these questions will help guide your search and keep you from spinning your wheels pursuing jobs that make no sense for you. With that in mind, check out these jobs. They offer a wide range of possible settings and salaries.
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Ride-hailing services like Uber and Lyft are always looking for drivers. You probably know the drill: The customer requests a ride via a cell-phone app, the company routes the request to the device in your car, and you take the booking. The benefits are obvious: You get to set your own hours and work as much or as little as you need to meet your expenses. You’ll also get the visual stimulation of the world outside your home, and may even meet an interesting person or two along the way. Don’t expect to make a fortune, though. Despite the enticing claims of the marketing people, many drivers report that they are barely able to make above minimum wage.
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A wide range of companies need clerical workers on an occasional or seasonal basis. The easiest way to find these jobs is through one of the temporary employment agencies like Manpower or Kelly Services. Typing or data entry experience is obviously important for this job, so if you haven’t performed those functions before, this position would probably not be open to you. And keep in mind that the temp agencies make their money by charging the employer more than they pay you, the difference between those two figures being their profit margin. So don’t expect to make much more than $15 an hour, though the pay may be a bit better in major metropolitan areas.
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The major tax preparation companies like H&R Block hire temporary workers to assist customers with their tax returns between January and April. This job is obviously ideal for retired accountants, but if you have a head for numbers and you ace your entrance interview, the companies may be willing to train you. A capable tax preparer can earn $30 an hour and up during the busiest part of the season, so if you work hard, you may find that three months of work provides you all the extra income you need for the entire year. Just keep in mind that you’re likely to be putting in some pretty serious hours while you’re working. If you’re looking for a comfortable very part-time experience, this one may not be for you.
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A wide range of stores employ retail workers on a part-time basis. Most have a pretty straightforward application process and often encourage older workers, who tend to be more reliable and easy to work with than young employees. The pay will likely be minimum wage, which varies from state to state, but retail jobs are a great way for retirees to stay young by spending time in a fast-paced environment and interacting with the crush of people often found in a busy store. If you know store owners in your community, it is worth asking them if they might entertain the possibility of your working part time for them — that way you’re likely to be in a friendlier environment and be able to see your friends more often.
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This is ideal for retired teachers, but if you’re smart and well educated, you, too, may be able to build yourself a niche focusing on a specific subject area. Reach out to friends and families in your community to see who might need your help. This is a job that you will need to build gradually, unless you want to apply for a job with one of the national tutoring companies like Kaplan or Sylvan Learning. If you develop a sterling reputation, you may be able to charge significant sums — some independent tutors charge $200 and up per session, far more than you could make with one of the tutoring companies.
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Consider taking your talents online with Etsy, where thousands of formerly undiscovered talents are making money selling goods they enjoy making anyway. (ArtFire and Bonanza are two other sites you might explore.) The most successful sellers on the site can earn up to $200,000 a year, but if you don’t want to spend all day, every day cranking out your signature sweaters, you can still make a decent buck with more modest sales. You’re your own boss, so you can work as much or as little as you want.
© Jeff Greenberg - Getty Images
Consider taking your talents online with Etsy, where thousands of formerly undiscovered talents are making money selling goods they enjoy making anyway. (ArtFire and Bonanza are two other sites you might explore.) The most successful sellers on the site can earn up to $200,000 a year, but if you don’t want to spend all day, every day cranking out your signature sweaters, you can still make a decent buck with more modest sales. You’re your own boss, so you can work as much or as little as you want.
Non-Profit Consultant
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If you’ve had a career in business, management, or IT, you are probably carrying a wealth of knowledge about how an operation should be properly run. And while you may have no desire to re-enter the competitive rat-race of your former workplace, there are a host of non-profits that could almost surely benefit from your expertise and may pay you pretty well for it. You’ll feel valued and get the satisfaction of contributing to a worthy cause, too. If money is not an issue but you just want a challenge, you also might consider signing up with SCORE (Service Corps of Retired Executives), which matches mentors with entrepreneurs in need of advice. The work is on a volunteer basis, but the psychic rewards are high.
Physical Therapist Assitant
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The physical therapy business is booming, and the therapists need a load of help to assist in massage and stretching, to prepare patients for therapy and to track their progress from treatment. The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that there will be an increase of 31 percent in physical therapy assistant jobs by 2026. Some facilities require an associate’s degree in physical therapy for the position but others are willing to give their part-timers on-the-job training. You’ll make $23 an hour and up, and you’ll experience the satisfaction of helping people get back on their feet, figuratively and literally.
Library Worker
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Many local libraries hire part-time people to deal with patrons, check out books, answer the phones, etc. You won’t be paid at the rate of the full-time professional librarians, but you’ll be working in a comfortable, relaxed environment with people devoted to the world of books and education. You also may get the opportunity to interact with kids experiencing the thrill of encountering books and the joy of reading for the first time.
Language Specialist
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We live in an increasingly multi-ethnic society, and the need has never been greater for those with language skills to assist a host of governmental and business entities to communicate with their clients/customers. You may need to get certified and it might take a little digging to find the right social service agency or non-profit organization to employ you — check out the website for the American Translators Association — but once you establish a relationship you are likely to have the opportunity for a good bit of work. According to ZipRecruiter, you’re likely to make between $15 and $23 an hour. Even better, you’ll gain exposure to a fascinating medley of world cultures and probably be performing a critical service for both sides of the language divide.
Direct Sales
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If you have no problem making cold calls to strangers and can accept a high rate of rejection, a job working the phones from your home might be the perfect part-time opportunity. In most cases you’ll be making a commission on sales, so your success will depend on just how good a salesperson you are. Mary Kay and Avon both offer at-home sales gigs, as do a host of other companies. Check out their websites for further information. If the company you’re considering asks you to buy a “startup kit,” just make sure the merchandise is returnable if your sales efforts prove unsuccessful.
Pet Care
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TaskRabbit might offer a way to get into the business, but word of mouth in your local community is the most effective method to get started. You can expect to be paid $20 for a 20-minute walk and $20 to $30 for a 30-minute walk. If you’re clients come to like and trust you, they may ask you take on pet-sitting duties that might involve you making regular visits to their homes ($25 per visit) or staying overnight with the pet ($75 to $85). And, of course, the pet-sitting gig opens up an entire universe of additional clients: cats. If you love animals, this might be a natural for you.
Delivery Person
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The major delivery services like UPS and FedEx hire part-time workers on a seasonal basis to work in their trucks, handle their packages and work on their warehouse floors. This can be physically demanding work, so don’t consider it if you’re not fit and healthy. UPS reports its average hourly rate as $16.82, so you’re not going to make a bundle of dough, but you might enjoy the camaraderie of your fellow workers, and if you’re on a truck, you’ll have the fun of getting out and about and interacting with customers. Check out the websites of the major companies to view possible jobs.