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Do something today that you're completely and utterly terrible at. It could help your business.
There are many things I'd like to do. From standup comedy to boxing classes to landing bigger business accounts, a little voice in my head sometimes tells me I'm not good enough to do them.
This year I'm challenging myself to do more things out of my comfort zone both professionally and personally. Here's why you should too and how it can help your business.
1. The more rejection you deal with, the easier it gets.
a business owner you get rejected left and right. From clients going
silent mid-proposal to reporters not answering your pitch email, it can
sometimes take a punch to your self esteem. The good news is, the more
times you get rejected, the less it hurts. Over the years, I've learned
to stop wallowing after rejection and just get back up on the proverbial
business horse.
Putting yourself out there is scary, but the
more times you do it, the easier it will get. Take a deep breath, tell
yourself it's okay if you fail, and then get out there and do it.
2. You can find a new creative outlet and could be better at it than you think.
week, I was browsing Fivver at 3am when I couldn't sleep. I went down a
rabbit hole of people saying they could "produce my song". Writing
music had always sounded fun, but I have no musical training nor a
pretty singing voice. I thought, "what the hell" and wrote some lyrics. I
hired someone off the website to help produce the song and rolled back
over to sleep.
Days later, I got my song back and a feeling of
elation came over me as I listened to something I had helped create.
Sure, it wasn't a top 40 banger, but it was still a nice sounding song. I
had a new sense of wind beneath my wings and I felt even more inspired
to tackle my business to-do list. Trying new things can get your
creative wheels spinning that will not only leave you feeling inspired
personally, but also professionally.
3. You'll stop caring what other people think.
I've learned anything in life, it's that people are never thinking
about you as much as you think they are. Everyone has their own life
filled with stresses, preoccupations and insecurities. Chances are, they
won't think twice about what you're doing, the new things you're trying
or whether or not you're good at them. When I write a blog post, I
sometimes think "maybe people will think this is stupid or bad." Then I
quickly remind myself that everyone is more focused on themselves than
my 500 word article.
This year, I'm resolving to put myself out
there more, try more things I'm terrible at, and embrace failure head
on--and you should to.