In this article we’re going to take a look at the former. If you’re looking to earn more in the new year there are a two fundamental ingredients aspects you might want to focus on.
People are compensated based on the tangible value they create for a third party. Indeed, people always get paid for the value they provide in tangible terms.The value of an activity such as defending someone’s innocence as a solicitor is a higher value activity than an activity such as cleaning. That isn’t to infer that the person doing the job has less value as a human being; it’s simple to say that a lawyer charging $250 per hour to defend against a serious allegation is creating more tangible value in terms of their output than the cleaner being paid $10.
Put simply, if you want to earn more, you need to create more value in terms of the end result you are providing; as the more value you provide the more you will earn.
You might have heard the saying “the more you learn the more you earn”. Whether this is an early childhood education masters degree or more vocational training, the fact remains that the more you learn the more you tend to earn because it’s all about having a higher perceived value in terms of the knowledge and ability you have based on your educational experience.It should be stressed that learning is not limited to academic education; indeed, if you were to learn how to invest in property, for instance, this is likely to get you further in financial terms, than having a generic degree.
That said, if you have a particular goal in mind, such as becoming an engineer, it makes sense to undertake an online engineering management masters degree, as there is a specific route you must follow in order to achieve your outcome - the same as with medicine or law.
In the most simple terms, if you want to earn more then you need to create more value… and one of the best ways you can provide more value (i.e. more valuable outcomes) is to learn more so that you can utilise this knowledge to solve a particular problem or create a particular solution.
In summary, if you want to make more money all you need to do in the practical world is to create more value in terms of the outcomes you deliver. The best way to do this is to learn more so that you are able to deliver more valuable outputs to a third party.