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You No Longer do Your Job
You might feel as though deadlines are slipping past you or even that some tasks have not been completed to the right standard. You might have stopped attending meetings and you may also let your personal problems get in the way as well. A lot of people find that they just don’t care anymore either, and this can be a very difficult issue to overcome. If this is the case then you need to find something that motivates you so that you can go on to pursue a career that is going to make you happy. The longer you let your work decline, the more chance there is of you getting a bad reference and this is the last thing that you need.
You Dread Work Every Single Day
Another sign that you need to look for a new job is when you dread Sunday nights. You may find that anxiety soon sets in and that you cannot enjoy whatever is left of your weekend. You may get distracted, nervous or even depressed. If this sounds like you then there has never been a better time for you to start putting yourself first. It is also time to end the misery that you face every single week as well by finding a career that you can look forward to starting.
Nothing to Be Excited About
At work, you should always have goals. If you don’t have goals at work then you may find it hard to be satisfied and you may also struggle to know what you are working towards as well. Goals can come in numerous forms, such as learning a new skill or even developing yourself personally as well. if you find yourself with nothing to look forward to or if you have nothing to work for, then you will just be running yourself into the ground for no reason at all. You may also end up getting yourself in some kind of professional rut as well, and this can make it very hard to get motivated. If you want to get into a career that will help you to make a difference, then click here.Feeling Hopeless
As you age, you will gain more and more experience. This will help you to grow and it will also help you to change and even evolve as well. If you have lost the chance to grow at work or if you feel as though you have reached the height of your career, then this could be an indicator that it is time to make a change. You should also find out if there is anything beyond the position that you have now. For example, if you are a store-worker, is there ever going to be a chance for you to become manager? If not then your company may not have a good enough support system and finding somewhere new may help you to surpass the position that you are in right now.Escape
If you are just not happy in the job that you have, then you may be looking for an escape in numerous ways. This can manifest itself as both physical and emotional symptoms as well, and this is especially the case if you work in a toxic workplace. You know yourself more than anyone so take a good, long hard look at yourself. You then need to find out if you have developed some negative habits along the way as well. This could include eating takeaways every single night or it could even include gaming sessions that go way into the night. Little things like this can show you that you are just not happy with where you are at right now, and it can be a clear motivator if you want to find a new position.Your Family and Friends are Behind You
If you are unhappy then there is a high chance that your family and even your friends are aware of it. In fact, they may even pick up on it before you do, and if this the case then you really do need to think about making a change. They have a perspective on how unhealthy or even how detrimental your job can be and if they are begging you to quit then this could be a sign that it is time to do just that. They don’t like to see you suffer any more than you like it, so it’s important that you think about that.You Know You’re Going to be Fired
If you know that your termination is imminent then you need to be the first one to get out. If you quit before you get fired then this puts you in the driver’s seat when it comes to the job market. It will also help you to get a head start as well. If you are being fired for performance issues then this may not be the case, but it will still help you to some extent if you are able to quit before you are fired. This way when your next employer asks you why your last position ended, you can tell them that you voluntarily left and you can give your own reasons as well.Deep Unhappiness
You’d be surprised at how many people stick out their job even though it makes them deeply unhappy. You may feel as though you have no other choice and that you need to make money at the end of the day. This is not the case at all, because if you stay in the dead-end job that you are in right now then you may be missing out on a ton of new and exciting opportunities. You may even find that you would be happier if you left as well.Lack of Motivation
You may be able to get the work done in the day, but if it is a daily struggle then this is a clear sign that something is wrong. You may find that you are forcing yourself to sit at your desk and you may even find that it requires every ounce of your strength. You won’t feel the need to go above and beyond anymore, and you may always try and get through the day by doing the bare minimum. This is completely normal and we all have bad days, but if it is happening to you every day then your brain and body are trying to tell you something. You need a job that gets you excited and you need something that is going to inspire your passion as well. This is the only way for you to get out of the rut that you are in.The Same Day Repeats Itself
You may have worked your current role for quite some time now, but if you are replaying the same day over and over again then this can really wear you down. You may feel incredibly unchallenged and you may feel as though there is nothing new coming your way as well. You may not have had the chance to prove yourself either, and this can make your working week even more boring. Of course, it’s important that you feel confident in the job that you are in right now but if you feel glued in one place, or that time is passing you by then you need to make a change urgently.Working Stress
Believe it or not, it is normal for you to feel stressed at work. At times, you may not feel as though you are able to cope with everything that is happening around you, but this should never last for more than a day or two. If your stress is happening more than this then your body is trying to tell you that you are not in the right job. You may get muscle aches, fatigue and even headaches as well, and the only way for you to reduce this, or even eliminate it altogether would be for you to change careers or change your focus.Being stuck in a career you don’t like isn’t good for your mind or your body, so it is vitally important that you make a quick change wherever possible.