You walk into a party and the room is filled with people. Do you:
- Walk up to just about anyone and easily start a conversation?
- Find the nearest corner, hide behind the guacamole and hope that no one notices you?
- Realize that you've heard this "scenario-based" question a thousand times before and decide that you just don't care about answering it?
This question, and others like it, are often used in personality tests to determine if you are an extrovert or an introvert. But the truth is, you don't need to answer stupid questions like this
to know your personality type. You either are outgoing or more
reserved. And when it comes to what you do when you walk into a party,
you're answer is probably "it depends on how I feel."
When it
comes right down to it, it really doesn't matter if you are extroverted
or introverted. What matters is how comfortable you are with who you
But for people thinking about a career in sales who are more
introverted, they may ask themselves if they are too shy to be in sales.
Many have the impression that sales reps are
gregarious, outgoing people who would rather eat bark than to keep
quiet. If that impression is correct and all sales professionals are
extroverts, then your presumed answer is "yes, am I too shy to be in
Guess what? You're wrong!
The Cold Hard Reality of Sales
you are in sales, you better have thick skin. You will be rejected more
times that you could count, you'll have customers angry with you and
calling you all sorts of imaginative names and you will be expected to
be good at public speaking, giving presentations and, of course, closing
Yup, sales is a hard way to earn a living sometimes. But
all the negative things about sales has really nothing to do with
whether you are introverted or not.
Do you think that only
extroverts can handle rejection while introverts are reduced to a pile
of whimpering, fetal-position shaped grown ups?
No way.
do you think that only people who prefer talking over listening are the
only ones that can deliver a compelling and persuasive presentation?
again. To deal with the inevitable rejection that a career in sales
will bring, it is way more important that the rep is comfortable with
themselves rather than where they fall on a personality index.
Too Shy for Sales?
you shyness prevents you from being comfortable in front of other
people, then, yeah, you may be too shy for a career in sales. If you are
so introverted that the idea of standing up in front of others and
delivering a speech or presentation makes your bladder explode, you
probably shouldn't think about a career in sales.
But if you are
simply someone who is more comfortable listening to others and allowing
others to start or drive conversations, but have no debilitating fear of
public speaking, then you're probably not too shy for a career in the
wonderful world of sales.
The Benefits of Being Shy
general public opinion of sales reps is that they are fast talkers,
often willing to stretch, bend or outright destroy the truth as long as
they benefit from the it. While this opinion may be true for some in
sales (and in any other industry the world has ever known) it is not a
universal truth.
If you are tend to be more quiet, you will disarm
people who distrust sales professionals, giving you a tremendous
advantage over your more extroverted constituents. You will be seen as being more honest by the simple act of listening more than talking.
And when prospects and customers consider you to be honest, your success is (almost) guaranteed.
By Thomas Phelps
Sales Careers Expert