Another year comes to an end - and it is time to take stock of where you
are headed in life really, career-wise. For those who have not had a
particularly brilliant year, sans promotion or appraisal, it is all the
more important to stay strong this coming year. And these are five
things that mentally strong employees avoid.
1. Waste Time In Self-Pity
While introspection
is important for everyone, wallowing in self-pity never takes us
anywhere. So you did not really achieve the target you set for yourself
this year, but if you give in to feeling sorry for yourself, you are
only going to be left behind once again in your distracted frame of
mind. A mentally strong employee always has a plan - and only forges
ahead with time.
2. Give Up After Failure
It can certainly be disheartening to see your project fail or your
objectives not met, but these are setbacks that can stall you only for
as long as you let it. Mentally strong people do not take failures as failures, but learning lessons which only bring them closer to their ultimate goals.
3. Dwell On The Past
If you want to make 2014 count in your career, be mentally strong and
stop dwelling on the past. Whether the past has taught you many lessons
or it was your days of glory, the truth is that it is gone. Focused
employees know that to get ahead, they have to concentrate all their
energies in future tasks and projects.
4. Feel The World Owes Them Anything
Employers do not owe their employees raises and career boosts if they
are not working for it. In the current economy, you are lucky to be
doing what you love or have a skill-set for. From here on, it is every
man for himself. The mentally strong employee knows that, and is willing
to work hard and work smart to get ahead.
5. Make The Same Mistakes
Once bitten, twice shy. Being mentally strong does not mean blind
tenacity - only a fool does the same thing over and over again,
expecting a different result. For a productive 2014, recognize the mistakes
you have made in this last year - and make sure you do not repeat them
again. Not only will it streamline your daily work, it will prevent
unnecessary wastage of time and effort.